"Castlevania II - Simon's Quest" for the NES is an action-adventure game that follows Simon Belmont as he travels through Transylvania to lift a curse placed upon him by Dracula. With non-linear gameplay and RPG elements, this game differs from its predecessor and offers a unique experience for fans of the series.
This game comes complete in box and is in good condition, with slight creasing on the box and faded edges. This copy is missing the manual. However, it includes a protective sleeve to keep it in great condition for years to come. With challenging bosses, multiple endings, and a haunting soundtrack, "Castlevania II - Simon's Quest" is a classic NES game that is sure to impress.
Region: NTSC (US, Canada)
Platform: NES
Product: Game
Genre: Action-Adventure
ESRB: E (Everyone)
Players: 1
Condition: Good
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